
Thursday, December 5, 2019

End of the year!

Today is the last day we will be in school and then we have the holidays!
Throughout the year I have learnt a lot and I have learnt about myself and life.
The people at bay are pretty nice when you get to know them.
Social Studies is one of my favourite classes because the teacher is nice to me and I have enjoyed the shift into the different teachers.
I might need to work on maths though.
But overall my first year of bay was amazing and I want to come back the next year so I can learn more and socialise.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Cybersmart is the safe and responsible use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). NetSafe's approach to cybersmart is founded on: Maintaining a positive approach about the many benefits brought by technologies. Encouraging the public to identify the risks associated with ICT.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Internet safety or online safety is trying to be safe on the internet and is the knowledge of maximizing the user's personal safety and security risks to private information and property associated with using the internet, and the self-protection from computer crime in general.
This is how long it takes to hack my password.
Cybersmart is a big thing that can change your life.
What I'm saying is that if you give out your password, others will have access to your personal info, address or bank account.
So being safe on the internet is a big responsibility.
I have advice so you don't get hacked.
1. Don't give out your password.
2. Make your password strong/long.
3. Never make your password the name of one of your relatives.
The internet is a complex thing that we can't predict because hackers are always lurking.
Always be cybersmart or else your bank account could be drained or in even worse cases address exposure followed by kidnapping.

Monday, November 18, 2019

What brings me joy?

What brings me joy?
1. Mowing the lawns on the farm.                                                 2. Going fishing.
Image result for fishing
s.Image result for driving lawn mower

3. Playing sports.
Image result for sports
Why should we maintain our hobbies?
So you have something you are good at and so you can have a potential career.
Three new skills I want to learn.
1. I want to learn how to drive side-ways on a hill without flipping.
2. I want to learn how to invest money.
3. I want to learn how to build a business.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Human rights heroes

In year 10 social studies, I have been learning about human rights and human right heroes.
I chose Rosa Parks to be one of my human rights heroes because she initiated the civil rights movements.
Image result for rosa parks
(Picture of Rosa Parks.)
Wikipedia entry.
Parks' prominence in the community and her willingness to become a controversial figure inspired the black community to boycott the Montgomery buses for over a year, the first major direct action campaign of the post-war civil rights movement. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


This slide represents what I've been doing in year 10 DTY.

Thursday, October 31, 2019


This link will send you to a document that talks about what I have learnt throughout the year.
This is my favourite picture of the year.
Me and the boys.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Google Maps.

This is what I did in social studies.
Now, what I did was I tracked one of New Zealand's main income source, Wood.
The countries I mapped out are the main buyers of our New Zealand export.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Today I did a slideshow on one of my favourite artists; Bruno Mars.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Waitangi people visit us!

Yesterday, the nice people from Waitangi aka; Whaea Kerry, Whaea Monika and Whaea Tara helped us construct a marae in the virtual world.
We made poupou for our marae and we all had a blast!
Everything was straight forward and I enjoyed every part.
First we had to make then import our poupou into the virtual reality.
Then we came up with the idea of writing our pepeha in 3d letters and with a 3d outline to make things look better.
I made my outline squiggly with three colours, red, white and black which made it look cool because red white and black is a traditional colour combination that maori put on their clothes.
Thomas did the backbone for the marae which was cool.
After that we had a discussion and some of us pointed out that there are certain things that are outside the marae, like the taumata, grass and steps and handicap ramp.
Whaea Kerry recorded her looking at our pepehas and poupous in 3d virtual reality.
Then we finished up and they left for the day.
In my opinion it was a great day!
Everyone was enjoying it.
(Heres my pepeha)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


The last topic we did in science was called "Plants".
We went through this topic and I learnt so much about the layers of cells that make up the leaf, the individual parts and their uses.
I learnt about photosynthesis and how the presence of starch indicates that a plant has been photosynthesising.
Through this whole topic I learn about certain mosses, how the roots absorb water and processes that happen to the plant like osmosis and transpiration.
These are all the things I learnt during this topic

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Touch with the year 13s.

Today I did training for touch with the year 13s.
They taught me and my group how to set each other to get closer to the finish line.
Their leadership was astounding, like they had coached others before.
It made me feel like I was amazing because they were always positive.
Me and my team went against another team.
We had a draw so we were sent off.
That whole hour I spent with them made my skills better.
Thank You.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Waitangi trip part 2

When we tried to go back for the second time there was a power cut, which made us unable to use any of the equipment.
We returned for a second trip and we were allowed to explore the treaty grounds and the wakas.
But we stayed inside most of the time learning about the apps that were provided to us such as SculptGL, Tinkercad and Paint3D.
I enjoyed the whole experience.
I am excited because Whaea Monika is visiting in 3 weeks aka the lady who taught us.

Monday, August 12, 2019

How to survive a tsunami.

For the past 3-4 weeks we have been focusing on research skills.
The topic I chose for this was how to survive a tsunami.
I researched tsunamis, which are a big problem in some areas due to the amount of earthquakes.
The earthquakes cause disorder and chaos while the tsunami destroys whatever is left or what it can reach.
This is the reason why I wanted to research this topic was to raise awareness to the rising problem of tsunami.
The slide I made is solely for the purpose of making the people who are faced with tsunamis, survive.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Good netiquette in class.

Today I learnt about Netiquette, the worldwide standard that internet users use to become a better internet user and not become a troll or a toxic person that puts people down.
While learning, I learnt a lot about my friends actions online which make understand why they do the things they do.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Waitangi Trip

Yesterday, we went on a trip to Waitangi, that taught us about the digital world and our heritage.
I learnt a lot about our heritage and VR, a reality that i only experienced during this trip.
I loved the way that they were so welcoming to us and we were strangers to them!
I learnt about James Busby and we explored his house and took photos of the properties.
We played with robot coding, paint 3D, sculpt GL, tinkercad, greenscreen and stop motion.
I enjoyed the whole experience.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Migration/Term 2 Overview

Throughout the term i have learnt a lot about migration, how it affects the country and the people that live there.
I also found out about the history of New Zealand, like how it was discovered and Chatham Islands discovery.
I learnt about the wars that raged across our islands.
I also found out that we committed a mass genocide on the Chatham Islands, eradicating the full blooded moriori population.
I learnt about the affects on the economy when more people are there and when less people are present in a country.
Whaea Annete also taught us latitude and longitude.
We learnt about prime meridians, meridians, minutes, seconds and 0 degree lines.
I learnt about animal migrations and patterns.
I learnt how to accurately pinpoint locations on the map.
These things are all important due to history and life skills.
These are all the things i learnt in term 2.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Poster for the Koreans

On the 12th of June we had Korean visitors come in to see us.
This is the poster i made for them

Sunday, June 23, 2019


In class we have been learning about Poetry.
It has been divided into chunks so we can learn slowly and take in the information.
We have been learning for a while and we have gone over, Imagery and we are starting on Sound Devices.
We have gone over Metaphors.
Let me explain what a Metaphor is..
A Metaphor is a figure of speech that talks about one thing but is referencing something different.
Example: "The curtain of night fell upon the city".
We also talked about the topic of Similes.
Similes are a figure of speech that compares something to another thing.
"The soldiers are as brave as a lion".
The last part of the topic of Imagery was Personification.
This is when you give an inanimate object or thing human characteristics.
"The trees waved".

My Poem
We are people.
We are not right.
We believe in our ideals.
We cause fights.
But a threat is rising.
One we can stop.
But our ideals consume us.
Because our planet is slowly getting hot.
The world is dying.
We will too.
As we perish.
So will you.
The world is screaming.
It is in agony.
We won't stop it.
Because we are selfish.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Latitude and Longitude

In Social Studies we have been learning about Longitude and Latitude and how they work.
They also help by identifying certain places that can be seen on map, but can be identified on compass by using latitude, longitude and for more precision, hours minutes and seconds.
There is also certain areas that are the furthest in a certain area and is the most far point in that direction.
The equator is the point in which there is zero degrees in different directions.
I have also learnt about landmarks and areas with pin point accuracy.
This is a slide representing what i have learnt.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Migration in New Zealand

Do you ever wonder why people would want to migrate to New Zealand? I think it's because our Sports Teams are world renowned, jobs are easy to get and the scenery is amazing!
Most immigrants come here because of these reasons and more, they might move because of family and food hard to get in their old country.
The other reasons immigrants move from their old country because of conflict and poverty, coming here allows them escape it.
Unfortunately, some people cannot cope with people from other countries and cultures, this is what caused the Christchurch Shooting.
The man believed in his own thoughts and wanted immigrants at the local mosque, dead...
He also confessed that he took part in the March 15 terror attack.
Here is my poster for the Christchurch Shooting.
The reason we made these posters is to show sympathy and love to the families that lost their loved ones, our school also had a white shirt day to represent peace and harmony between our different people in the world that died that day.
This is what lead us to do these posters, here is my message to the poor families that lost their family members.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

pink shirt day.

From what i learnt about pink shirt day is that it is about no bullying and it happened last Friday.
Everyone was happy while playing games in the quad and they were competing for prizes.
I didn't wear a pink t-shirt since i have no pink clothing.
Some of my friends wore pink clothing because they had clothing.
The whole idea of pink shirt day started when a bullied kid's friends wore pink shirts to make him feel loved and protected.
People still carry this on as a symbolisation of what bullying can do and that others protect the bullied.
This event started in Canada. the whole reason of the event is to raise awareness to bullying.
This is the reason that pink shirt day is here.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Writing a quality blog comment

we are learning how to write quality blog comment

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

About me

Im Kiro, im Maori. i am also 12 and have a older brother called Panapa. I used to go to Moerewa school and i live with my mum and dad, Andrea and Raz.

My culture is Maori. My marae is Waikare.

My favourite subject is English because i enjoy making good stories. I want to challenge myself with Maths because Maths isn’t my best subject.

My goal is to become more athletic and get better at doing Maths.

Currently i don’t have anyone that inspires me.

I want to be more athletic so i can live to see my grandchildren.
(stretchy boi)

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

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