
Monday, November 18, 2019

What brings me joy?

What brings me joy?
1. Mowing the lawns on the farm.                                                 2. Going fishing.
Image result for fishing
s.Image result for driving lawn mower

3. Playing sports.
Image result for sports
Why should we maintain our hobbies?
So you have something you are good at and so you can have a potential career.
Three new skills I want to learn.
1. I want to learn how to drive side-ways on a hill without flipping.
2. I want to learn how to invest money.
3. I want to learn how to build a business.


  1. This is a good post, its really thoughtful and..i got nothing else to say.

  2. good work and i like is

  3. Kia ora Kiro, your post on what brings you joy is great, keep up the good work.
