
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Waitangi trip part 2

When we tried to go back for the second time there was a power cut, which made us unable to use any of the equipment.
We returned for a second trip and we were allowed to explore the treaty grounds and the wakas.
But we stayed inside most of the time learning about the apps that were provided to us such as SculptGL, Tinkercad and Paint3D.
I enjoyed the whole experience.
I am excited because Whaea Monika is visiting in 3 weeks aka the lady who taught us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kiro! It's your best friend Mia! That's so cool taht you wernt to waitangi and tested some equiptment out, Last year I went to the same place it was so cool. Anyways if you would like to check out my learning copy and paste this link address into google and BOOM! There's my blog.

    Goodbye Kiro! C:
