
Monday, August 12, 2019

How to survive a tsunami.

For the past 3-4 weeks we have been focusing on research skills.
The topic I chose for this was how to survive a tsunami.
I researched tsunamis, which are a big problem in some areas due to the amount of earthquakes.
The earthquakes cause disorder and chaos while the tsunami destroys whatever is left or what it can reach.
This is the reason why I wanted to research this topic was to raise awareness to the rising problem of tsunami.
The slide I made is solely for the purpose of making the people who are faced with tsunamis, survive.


  1. Hello Kiro!! It is Mia, the bestest friend you have ever had! Anyways, I like how you chose a very interersting topic, this topic is very understanding. Anyways, if you would like to comment on my blog and find out what my school has been doing, please copy and paste this google address into google then BOOM! That's how you get to my blog.\

    Bye Kiro!! (see you on fortnite UwU)


    1. Hi Mia, thanks for looking at my blog.
      I really think you are a nice person so, thank you for calling me your friend.
      Maybe we could play fortnite sometime? (again)
      You should always be friendly to others. XD
