
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Waitangi people visit us!

Yesterday, the nice people from Waitangi aka; Whaea Kerry, Whaea Monika and Whaea Tara helped us construct a marae in the virtual world.
We made poupou for our marae and we all had a blast!
Everything was straight forward and I enjoyed every part.
First we had to make then import our poupou into the virtual reality.
Then we came up with the idea of writing our pepeha in 3d letters and with a 3d outline to make things look better.
I made my outline squiggly with three colours, red, white and black which made it look cool because red white and black is a traditional colour combination that maori put on their clothes.
Thomas did the backbone for the marae which was cool.
After that we had a discussion and some of us pointed out that there are certain things that are outside the marae, like the taumata, grass and steps and handicap ramp.
Whaea Kerry recorded her looking at our pepehas and poupous in 3d virtual reality.
Then we finished up and they left for the day.
In my opinion it was a great day!
Everyone was enjoying it.
(Heres my pepeha)


  1. Hi Kiro

    I really enjoyed reading about your visit to Waitangi and the mahi you did to create a virtual pepeha. Did you get an opportunity to see the whole marae using the VR? Have you used VR before? My son creates VR games and experiences, he made one a while ago called Kraken about a sea octopus that tries to capture boats and pirates. It's pretty cool and is on the STEAM store.
    I can't help thinking your film needs some music, have you thought about that? Do you play an instrument or could you maybe write a song to go with your video?

    1. I can't play any instruments except for the drums, but I am really enjoying the feedback!
      I think the game your son made is a cool concept as well.
      I am considering adding music but I don't know how to.

  2. Kia Ora Kiro, thanks for sharing how you found the day when Whaea Monika, Kerry and I came to visit 9M at BOIC. I can recall you spending some time getting those borders just as you wanted them to look on your pepeha and I think they look pretty impressive as well as the detail you have carved into your Pou. It is great you enjoyed the learning and creating. Ngā mihi, Tara

  3. kia oraaa! Ki taku whakaaro ko to tino matauranga me to mohio mo o tatou tikanga Maori no reira mo Nga puhi e tono ana kia uru mai koe ki tetahi mahi rongonui!
