
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Councillor's Feedback.

I don't really feel like I have many duties, I just come to school, give feedback to Karlos at meetings and express the class/schools problem with things. I also help people with their problems and give feedback where I can but some problems I can't fix. I mean, I'm not saying that my duties are not important, like I take pride in what I do, it's just a simple process of listening to the feedback of my class and expressing that in meetings and that's all I have to do and I remain as a councillor and I like to be held to a high standard because not many people are chosen to do this, also I am a representative, need to show quality. I'm honestly happy with the school but the socks need to change because they smell like concentrated sweat and when you go into MPA and take your socks off, the smell attacks your nose.
I have ideas from my class.
1. Fix broken seats
2. Fix the water fountains
3. Weight division for arm wrestling and strength competitions.
4. Need more talkers about maori/pakeha history.
5. Need more games.

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