
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Space Invaders.

Today I made a space invaders game on micro bit make code. Press the play button and use the A and B buttons to move. The A+B button is to shoot. Click on the {} button to see the actual code. So the {} button shows you the actual code and not the blocks because the blocks are a simplified version of code. If code is indented that means that it is running off of another program. This makes the code not all play at once and destroying the game. You don't want the enemy ships to shoot do you? But in all seriousness, this game took a long while to create and I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I do.


  1. Hi Kiro

    I really like this exercise well done you. How hard did you find programming?

  2. hello kiro im luke from bay of island college. i really like your post that you did about space invaders but i think you can make this post better by making it posable to play it.

    1. That's a good suggestion Luke and Kiro it's always good to get real user feedback. It is playable Luke but could be do with a bit more instruction Kiro what do you think you could add to make it easier to get started?
