
Monday, September 21, 2020

Scratch project part 2.

 The balloon project has been going good, I made the balloon ask questions and it gives a sound off when you get a wrong answer or a right answer. Use the arrow keys and grab the balloons. You have to answer the blue balloon because it asks you "What is 8x8?". That's all I wanted to say and bye.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Program development.

 Today I let Luke fix my software because it made Tane disappear when touching the balloons. Luke fixed it and now it's running smoothly with the balloons respawning. I put comments on what the blocks do.

Informal and formal language.

 So today I made a comic explaining the difference between formal and informal language.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Programming in scratch.

 So today we had Kerry-Boyd Preece come in and teach us how to do scratch projects. I made a minigame that involves catching balloons, but you just clip straight through them. It's not finished but I tried my hardest. Use the arrow keys to go into the balloons and the game gives you points for touching the balloons, do do that.

Thursday, September 10, 2020


On Wednesday this week, my group made teddy bear cookies, except they were normal cookies but with a button in the middle. We had to compromise for some of them ingredients because we didn't have cornflour. But anyways it went great the cookies were cooked and the chocolate was soft so that's cool. Yeah that's basically what happened, now I gotta do conversions.

Thursday, September 3, 2020


 So on Wednesday this week we made these custard tart pastry thingies and we actually did good. I didn't yell at my teammates and they cooperated. We worked together and the finished product was amazing, I was just sad that I couldn't put the chocolate sauce on the tarts because we ran out of time and the sauce was washed away. Other than that, the cooking was successful, but we need to work on our time management, that was a big factor. So yeah that's how food tech went and I'm actually starting to enjoy it because we're doing well.