
Sunday, August 30, 2020

About me.

My name is Kiro, I’m 14 and I go to Bay Of Islands College. I’m maori and I live with my mother, father, brother and my brothers girlfriend. I like english, because all I do is write my mind and explain things, it’s pretty easy. I’m being challenged by food tech because my group mates are clueless. My goal is to be best year 10 boy in terms of smartness. I have achieved a high excellence in my english test and I didn’t think that existed until now. I also like playing sports. I also like making friends. :) be my friend. Boom done goodbye.

There's my face. enjoy :)

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Sticky pudding with butterscotch sauce.

Yesterday we made sticky pudding with butterscotch sauce. It uh, didn't turn out good because the pudding tasted like pure seawater but cake version. Was nasty as. Next time we gonna make it better by actually putting more sugar than baking soda. I think that's where we went wrong. Probably because of me shouting at my braindead teamates, well they're not that bad. But they ask me what to do all the time when the instruction are right there and it ticks me off. We need to work on coordination and overall happiness cause no-ones happy with me shouting at them even if they need it. So yeah that's my reflection.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Meaning of food.

The meaning of food is life, you need food to have energy to move around, you need food to preform daily tasks and most of all, you need food to live. Our organs need protein to digest and process so we can move. The body needs protein to grow and develop. The way of life is literally based on food. We wouldn't exist if we didn't have food. Survival is a key trait in humans and food is needed to survive. That is the meaning of food to me.

Monday, August 10, 2020

The rabbit proof fence.

The rabbit proof fence is a very dark and informative film. It talks about the stolen generations, a generation of aboriginals that were taken away from their families and fostered by Europeans. The Europeans were scared of the aboriginals so the Europeans oppressed them by shaping them into the way they thought was right. Shaping them into slaves. Molly, Daisy and Gracie are a part of the stolen generations and the movie revolves around how the trio escape a correction centre. Gracie never made it home. I like the fact that Molly and Daisy made it home and had the confidence to speak out about these unjust actions.