
Monday, June 24, 2019

Poster for the Koreans

On the 12th of June we had Korean visitors come in to see us.
This is the poster i made for them

Sunday, June 23, 2019


In class we have been learning about Poetry.
It has been divided into chunks so we can learn slowly and take in the information.
We have been learning for a while and we have gone over, Imagery and we are starting on Sound Devices.
We have gone over Metaphors.
Let me explain what a Metaphor is..
A Metaphor is a figure of speech that talks about one thing but is referencing something different.
Example: "The curtain of night fell upon the city".
We also talked about the topic of Similes.
Similes are a figure of speech that compares something to another thing.
"The soldiers are as brave as a lion".
The last part of the topic of Imagery was Personification.
This is when you give an inanimate object or thing human characteristics.
"The trees waved".

My Poem
We are people.
We are not right.
We believe in our ideals.
We cause fights.
But a threat is rising.
One we can stop.
But our ideals consume us.
Because our planet is slowly getting hot.
The world is dying.
We will too.
As we perish.
So will you.
The world is screaming.
It is in agony.
We won't stop it.
Because we are selfish.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Latitude and Longitude

In Social Studies we have been learning about Longitude and Latitude and how they work.
They also help by identifying certain places that can be seen on map, but can be identified on compass by using latitude, longitude and for more precision, hours minutes and seconds.
There is also certain areas that are the furthest in a certain area and is the most far point in that direction.
The equator is the point in which there is zero degrees in different directions.
I have also learnt about landmarks and areas with pin point accuracy.
This is a slide representing what i have learnt.